Let Your Inner Child be Curious & Find Ways To Play With The Energy
Colour Mirrors USA
Expansion of Self Through Colour Course 7 week @ 2hrs each

Expansion of Self Through Colour Course 7 week @ 2hrs each

Regular price $421.83 Sale

 Expansion of Self
Through Colour

A Unique Consecutive 7-week workshop

We will take a deep dive into self-exploration utilizing the Colour Mirror's Healing System allowing you the space and opportunity to experience how colour heals for yourself in person.

We are not going to teach you why colour works, or how it works, instead you will feel it for yourself.  

This course is an opportunity for you to heal any issue you want in your life. One of the main spiritual messages taught by the CM system is how to bring heaven to earth, along with tapping into the Divine Feminine

7 consecutive weeks, 2 hours each session on FB Messenger Video

Total = 14 hours plus a personal integration follow up session

Benefits: of participating in the series:

  1. Colour supports all the paths towards raising our self-awareness and becoming a  master of mind, body heart.
  2. Creating more joy, creativity along with playfulness and peace
  3. Cultivating more of a balanced life: mentally, emotionally, physically spiritually
  4. Experience and living with creating more win-win relationships and deeper friendships.

Cost $411 if Zelle if any other type there are fees

Location: OnLine

Registration: ColourMirrorsUSA.com

Class is limited 4 – Please register in advance

Times: Available Days, Evenings, or Weekends beginning in May 2022

Time: TBD

We will gather virtually in a unique sacred space I call my “sanctuary room”, a place where you can lighten up and put things behind you for a while.  You will be surrounded by a magical rainbow wall of colored bottles known as the Colour Mirrors Healing System, along with magical crystals, salt lamps, and more. All is energy!